(Quick Reference)

6 Reference - Reference Documentation

Authors: Grails Plugin Consortium

Version: 2.4.4

6 Reference


The reference section is only applicable to versions 0.4 and above. Version 0.4 addressed some redundancy in the tag and attribute names provided by the plugin. While all previous attribute names are still supported, it is recommended to use those documented below instead. The deprecated tag and attribute names may be removed in the future.

6.1 Data Types

Data Types and their Available Filter Operators

Domain Constraint Modifications

If a property is not nullable (constraint nullable="false"), the Is Null and Is Not Null operators will not be available for that property.

6.1.1 Text


(String, char)
OperatorSelect Option Display Text
ILikeBegins With (Using no leading wild-card eg: ilike 'foo%')
Not ILikeDoes Not Contain
LikeContains (Case Sensitive)
Not LikeDoes Not Contain (Case Sensitive)
"="Equal To
<>Not Equal To
Is NullIs Null
Is Not NullIs Not Null

6.1.2 Numeric


(Integer, Long, Short, Float, Double, BigDecimal, BigInteger)
OperatorSelect Option Display Text
"="Equal To
<>Not Equal To
<Less Than
<=Less Than or Equal To
>Greater Than
>=Greater Than or Equal To
Is NullIs Null
Is Not NullIs Not Null

6.1.3 Date


OperatorSelect Option Display Text
"="Equal To
<>Not Equal To
<Less Than
<=Less Than or Equal To
>Greater Than
>=Greater Than or Equal To
Is NullIs Null
Is Not NullIs Not Null

It appears that grails date picker does not currently support seconds input. This may cause the equals operator or between to return unexpected results. You may need to take that into account when using filters to be inclusive and round up or down to the next second when filtering.

6.1.4 Boolean


OperatorSelect Option Display Text
"="Equal To
<>Not Equal To
Is NullIs Null
Is Not NullIs Not Null

6.1.5 Enum


(since 0.6)
OperatorSelect Option Display Text
InListIn List
NotInListNot In List

6.1.6 Class


(since 2.3)
OperatorSelect Option Display Text
InListIn List
NotInListNot In List

The class attribute is covered by the filter only if a filtered domain class has some implementers (only not abstract implementers are covered). This gives the ability to filter entries based on their domain class.

Filtering by class is available only if table-per-hierarchy is true as in the example below

static mapping = {
    tablePerHierarchy true

6.2 Tags


Several tags are included with the plugin.

6.2.1 includes


Deprecated - Please use the included resources module `filterpane` on the pages you wish to use default functionality/styling.

Deprecated - Style and script include has moved to use asset pipeline. See usage >= 2.4.3 below.

The includes tag should be used in the head section of your pages. It includes the necessary stylesheet and javascript file for the plugin.

Attribute NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
cssNotrueSet to false to exclude the <link> tag for the stylesheet.
jsNotrueSet to false to exclude the <script> tag that supports the filterPane plugin.

Usage (>= 2.4.3)

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
  <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
  <title>Robot List</title>
  <asset:javascript src="fp.js"/>
  <asset:stylesheet src="fp.css"/>

Usage (>= 2.1.6)

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
  <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
  <title>Robot List</title>
  <r:require module="filterpane" />

Deprecated Usage (< 2.1.6)

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
  <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
  <title>Robot List</title>

6.2.2 currentCriteria


This tag renders an unordered list of the currently applied filter criteria, along with links to remove individual filter criteria.
Attribute NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
domainYesNoneThe domain bean being filtered. May be a String (e.g. "Book") or a class instance (e.g. ${Book})
idNofilterPaneCurrentCriteriaThe id of the unordered list.
titleNoNoneThe title attribute for the unordered list.
classNoNoneThe CSS class to apply to the list.
styleNoNoneThe style attribute for the list.
dateFormatNoyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssThe format to apply when displaying date criteria.
actionNofilterThe controller action to submit to when removing criteria. Set this to the same as your filterPane tag's action attribute.
removeImgDirNoNoneThe directory the remove image file is located in.
removeImgFileNoNoneThe image filename to be used for the remove link. Note that if either removeImgDir or removeImgFile are missing, the text "(X)" will be used for the remove link.
quoteValuesNoTrue(Since 2.0.1) If true, values will be quoted when displayed.
filterPropertyValuesNoNone(Since 2.0.1) Identical syntax to the filterpane tag's property of the same name. Use this to set a display property of enum properties. See example below.


<filterpane:currentCriteria domainBean="org.grails.example.nested.Robot" dateFormat="${[title: 'MM/dd/yyyy', releaseDate: 'MMM dd, yyyy']}"
                              removeImgDir="images" removeImgFile="bullet_delete.png" fullAssociationPathFieldNames="no"
                              filterPropertyValues="${[robotType: [displayProperty: 'display']]}"/>


This uses _filterpane/_currentCriteria.gsp

6.2.3 filterButton


This tag renders an HTML link that shows the filter pane when clicked. When one or more filters are applied, this button will have the filter-applied css class.
Attribute NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
textNo"Filter"The text that is displayed on the button.
appliedTextNo"Change Filter"The text displayed on the button when one or more filters are applied.
idNo"filterpane"The id of the html element.
textKeyNo"fp.tag.filterButton.text"The message bundle key that contains the text of this button. (i18n)
appliedTextKeyNo"fp.tag.filterButton.appliedText"The message bundle key that contains the applied text of this button. (i18n)

<filterpane:filterButton text="Filter Me" appliedText="Change Filter"/>


This uses _filterpane/_filterButton.gsp

6.2.4 filterPane


This tag generates the filter pane itself. As of release 0.4, this tag pulls as much filtering information from the domain class as possible by default. All attributes from 0.3.1 are still supported, but are considered deprecated in favor of more sensible alternatives.
Attribute NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
domainYesNoneThe name of the Grails domain class to be filtered. This can either be a string (e.g. "Book"), or an actual class instance (e.g. "${Book}")
dialogYesFalseSet to true to cause the rendered filterpane to be displayed as a popup dialog instead of rendered inline in the page.
titleNo"Filter"The title text that is displayed at the top of the filter pane.
titleKeyNoNoneA message bundle key for looking up title text. (i18n)
idNo"filterpane"The id of the container div that holds the filter pane.
classNoNoneThe class attribute to add to the container div that holds the filter pane.
styleNoNoneThe style attribute to add to the container div that holds the filter pane.
formNameNo"filterForm"The name of the filter form element. Useful if you will use custom javascript on the form.
formMethodNo"post"The method to be used for the filter form.
filterPropertiesNoNoneIf specified then no default properties are included, only those specified.
associatedPropertiesNoNoneUse this if you wish to filter any properties of associated domain objects (e.g. author.lastName). The value may either be a comma-delimited string, or a List of strings.
additionalPropertiesNoNoneBy default, identifier, version, and lastUpdated properties are not available to filter by. Use this attribute to allow them to be filtered. The value may either be a comma-delimited string, or a List of strings. Valid values are "id", "identifier", "version", and "lastUpdated"
excludePropertiesNoNoneBy default all persistent properties of the domain object are filterable. If you wish to exclude any properties from filtering, specify them in this attribute. The value may either be a comma-delimited string, or a List of strings.
actionNo"filter"The controller action to call when the filter is applied.
filterPropertyValuesNoNoneA map of property values to pass through to each property's value form control. For example, since Date properties render a date picker control, you could pass the following to limit the years in the date picker. See the example below. It is also possible to specify a valueMessagePrefix parameter here which will make it possible to localize enum values in a list. See g:select tag.
customFormNofalseIf true or "true", the tag will not render the surrounding form or the "Apply" button on it. This is left to the developer. This attribute is useful if you want to embed the filterpane form in an existing form. (since 0.6.4) See the example below:
listDistinctNofalseIf true or "true" this will cause any one<->many or many<->many relationship where search criteria on a child matches to only return distinct parents instead of duplicating parents by the number of child matches. See nesting
distinctColumnNameNo""When using `listDistinct=true` above, this will tell the criteria which column to group by. Typically using 'id' is a pretty safe bet.

filterPropertyValues="${[someDateProperty:[years:2015..1999], someEnumProperty: [valueMessagePrefix: 'my.message.prefix']]}"

or get the values from the database:

    [values:Author.executeQuery('select t.lastName from Author t')],

<form id="author-form" name="author-form" method="post">
    <filterpane:filterPane id="author-filter-pane" domainBean="com.zeddware.grails.plugins.filterpane.Author"
            associatedProperties="books.title, books.bookType"
            titleKey="fp.tag.filterPane.titleText" customForm="true"
    <g:actionSubmit value="Apply Filter From Outside Filter Pane" action="filterCustomForm" />


This uses

  • _filterpane/_filterpane.gsp
  • _filterpane/_filterpaneProperty.gsp
  • _filterpane/_filterpaneSort.gsp
  • _filterpane/_filterpaneButtons.gsp


This tag generates a html link that links to a filter action listing items filtered upon the specified values.
Attribute NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
valuesYesNoneA map containing field values by field name. The field is the field within the bean (with the filter) that should be used for filtering. The value may contain a map with additional filter directives. See examples below.
controllerNoCurrent controllerThe name of the controller to use in the link; if not specified the current controller will be linked.
actionNofilterThe name of the filter-action to use in the link; if not specified the action named "filter" will be linked
filterParamsNoNonePreviously used filterParams can be forwarded to the link by using this attribute. Will for instance preserve sort and order if it has been currently set.
classNoNoneThe class attribute to use for the html link.
Additionally you may use all the optional attributes that you can use for the grails tag g:link.

values examples
The simplest version is filtering all items by property firstName equals Adam.

Filtering all items by property firstName contains some text, requires that you specify the operator. The same applies to all the other single argument operators of the filterpane see below.

values="${[firstName:[op:'ILike', value:'Ada']]}"

Filtering all items by property firstName beginning with some text (case sensitive), requires that you specify the operator. The same applies to all the other single argument operators of the filterpane see below.

values="${[firstName:[op:'BeginsWith', value:'Ada']]}"

Filtering all items by property firstName beginning with some text (case in-sensitive), requires that you specify the operator. The same applies to all the other single argument operators of the filterpane see below.

values="${[firstName:[op:'IBeginsWith', value:'Ada']]}"

Filtering all items by property firstName ending with some text (case sensitive), requires that you specify the operator. The same applies to all the other single argument operators of the filterpane see below.

values="${[firstName:[op:'EndsWith', value:'bert']]}"

Filtering all items by property firstName ending with some text (case in-sensitive), requires that you specify the operator. The same applies to all the other single argument operators of the filterpane see below.

values="${[firstName:[op:'IEndsWith', value:'bert']]}"

Filtering all items by property age between 17 and 42.

values="${[age:[op:'Between', from:17, to:42]]}"

example usage
Creating a link that links to a filtered list of books where the author is the same as the current authorInstance:
<filterpane:filterLink values="${['author.id' : authorInstance.id]}" controller="book" action="filter">
  "Books by this author"

Available op operators
BetweenBetween two values, see example above. Requires both from and to value. Both from and to values are inclusive.
EqualEqual case insensitive
GreaterThanGreater than
GreaterThanEqualsGreater than or equals
ILikeContains, case insensitive
IsNotNullNo value assigned. Requires no value.
IsNullValue is assigned. Requires no value.
LessThanLess than
LessThanEqualsLess than or equals
LikeLike, case sensitive
NotEqualNot equal to
NotILikeDoes not contain, case insensitive.
NotLikeDoes not contain, case sensitive

6.2.6 isFiltered


This is a logical tag that will render its body if any filters are applied.
Attribute NameRequredDefault ValueDescription

<filterpane:isFiltered>Filter Applied!</filterpane:isFiltered>

6.2.7 isNotFiltered


This is a logical tag that will render its body if no filters are applied.
Attribute NameRequredDefault ValueDescription

<filterpane:isNotFiltered>Pure and Unfiltered!</filterpane:isNotFiltered>

6.2.8 paginate


This is a convenience tag that may be used in place of the grails paginate tag. It encapsulates adding the appropriate parameters to the grails paginate tag for the developer.
Attribute NameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
totalYesNoneA numeric total to be used when calculating pages. This is the same total that is passed to the Grails paginate tag.
domainBeanYes, if total's value is nullNoneIf total's value is null, this tag is used to perform a count for the user and pass that to the Grails paginate tag. If not specified and total's value is null, 0 will be used as the total count.

<filterpane:paginate total="${robotCount}" domainBean="org.grails.example.nested.Robot"/>