(Quick Reference)

1 Introduction - Reference Documentation

Authors: Grails Plugin Consortium

Version: 2.4.4

1 Introduction

FilterPane Plugin

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Build Status

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1.1 Current Version Changes

Version 2.2.5 Release Notes

  • Filter by subclass attributes
  • Filter by class

1.2 Change Log

Change Log

DateVersionNotesGrails VersionsTemplate Changes
2014-05-122.4.3Migrating to grails 2.3.8 support1.3.xNo
2014-03-122.3.3Merging fix for exception thrown in IllegalArgumentException, JIRA 1181.3.xNo
2013-12-232.3.2Merging fix for filtering by class attribute and adding swedish i18 updates1.3.xNo
2013-12-022.3.1Resolving issue with grails 2.3.3 and sorting and adding spanizh i181.3.xNo
2013-10-302.2.6Fixing another issue for filters starting with 'op'1.3.xNo
2013-10-302.2.5Add support for filtering by subclass properties. Allow filter by associated properties (last persistent property can be in subclass) as well as direct persistent properties of subclasses. Support filtering by a class attribute when filtered domain class has its implementers (sub classes).1.3.xNo
2013-07-022.2.4Fix for http://jira.grails.org/browse/GPFILTERPANE-1131.3.x +No
2013-07-022.1.9Template refactor. Rename dir to _filterpane and do not install locally. Ability to override as needed like Fields plugin. Added support for InList and NotInList for enum types.1.3.x +Yes
2013-06-182.1.8Adding support for Joda time.1.3.x +Yes
2013-05-222.1.7Adding ability to define post or get filter form. Adding french messaging support1.3.x +Yes
2013-05-022.1.6Added fix GPFILTERPANE-109, moved to use resources plugin include deprecated filterpane:include tag and updated docs1.3.x +Yes
2013-04-252.1.5Added fix GPFILTERPANE-108 and cleaned up utils for finding classes without package1.3.x +Yes
2013-04-162.1.4Removed grails 2.x requirements and moved to 1.3.x. Shored up nested queries and added tests and examples to example project.1.3.x +Yes
2013-04-122.1Fixed 2.2.x compiler error. Added install script to copy templates locally for customization.2.1.xYes
2013-03-192.0Complete rewrite of the plugin See JIRA notes for changes.2.0No
2010-07-260.7Bug fixes.1.1.1 +Unknown
2010-03-240.6.8Bug fix for boolean 'false' value not working1.1.1 +Unknown
2010-03-230.6.7Some bug fixes and improvements to Grails-1.2.1 compatibility1.1.1 +Unknown
2010-02-170.6.6Should now work with Grails-1.2.1 and +Unknown
2010-02-030.6.5Fixed several issues. See 1.1.1 +Unknown
2009-11-170.6.4Added customForm attribute to filterPane tag. See docs for details in the reference section below.1.1.1Unknown
2009-10-270.6.3Fixed 1.1.1Unknown
2009-09-130.6.2Child collection filtering fixed (GRAILSPLUGINS-1503). Filter service reworked to use Grails API instead of Groovy meta classes. Several integration tests added.1.1.1Unknown
2009-07-280.6.1Fixed a minor issue when rendering dropdowns for enums in associated properties.1.1.1Unknown
2009-07-270.6Completed several JIRA issues. See for details.1.1Unknown
2009-04-070.5Fixed JIRA issues 836, 988, and 1045. Form action is now POST. Entering in a filter value will now auto-select the first operator in its associated dropdown if none is selected (except for date properties). More info on issues at 1.1Unknown
2009-03-220.4.3JIRA GRAILSPLUGINS-985 fixed.1.1Unknown
2009-03-220.4.2Now compatible with Grails 1.1. See JIRA GRAILSPLUGINS-9991.0.4, 1.1Unknown
2009-03-220.4.1Completed JIRAs GRAILSPLUGINS-822 and GRAILSPLUGINS-9031.0.4Unknown
2009-01-270.3.1Moved debug output to log.debug statements.1.0.4Unknown
2009-01-260.3Fixed packaging glitches. Updated example app.1.0.4Unknown
2009-01-250.2No major changes. Mainly code cleanup. Classes are now in packages, as per plugin specs.1.0.4Unknown
2009-01-160.1First release.1.0.4Unknown

Upgrading to 2.0.

Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite / refactoring of the plugin to make better use of modern Grails practices (and a better working knowledge of Grails). All tags are now rendered via templates instead of string builders in code. This should make the plugin more extensible in the future. Many bugs and feature enhancements were also completed for the release.

Release Notes - Grails Plugins - Version Grails-FilterPane 2.0



New Feature

There are several breaking changes when migrating to 2.0. Please take note!

  • Package names for all classes have changed to a more standard one: org.grails.plugin.filterpane
  • Class Renames
    1. FilterService has been renamed to FilterPaneService to match the plugin name and to remove ambiguity with other plugins / services
    2. FilterUtils has been renamed to FilterPaneUtils for the same reasons as above.
  • Tag Library Changes
    1. filePaneIncludes tag has been removed. It has been deprecated for some time. Use includes tag instead.
    1. filterButton no longer uses an ID attribute, as it was unclear what it was for. It has been renamed to filterPaneId, to denote the id of the filterpane you wish to display.
    2. filterPane tag domainBean attribute is now just "domain"
    3. A couple years of practical use has shown that most users are NOT using the filter form as a dialog. As such, a new required attribute to the filterPane tag has been added: dialog. It defaults to false, so if you want to maintain the use of the form as a popup dialog, you must add this attribute and set it to true.

This plugin adds filtering capabilities to any Grails application. The primary goals of this plugin include:

  • Easy integration with Grails list pages via custom tags
  • Smart operator display. Only practical filter operations are available for a property's data type. (e.g. no "like" operators for numeric properties)
  • Support for major operators including =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, like, ilike, between, is null, and is not null.
  • Smart filter value entry. Date properties display a date picker, boolean's display radio buttons, etc.
  • Support for a custom list of values, such as a filtering a text property with a constrained list of values.
  • Works with Grails list sorting out of the box with only minor modification to your list gsp.
  • Works with Grails pagination out of the box with only minor modification to your list gsp.
  • Honors domain constraints: nullable, blank, inList ( Since 0.4 )

Please note that you may experience duplicate rows if you use eager fetching. See GRAILSPLUGINS-2063 for more information.