(Quick Reference)

4 Templates - Reference Documentation

Authors: Grails Plugin Consortium

Version: 2.4.4

Table of Contents

4 Templates


A default set of templates and styles are provided with the plugin. You may override these locally if you wish to customize your implementation.

4.1 Overrideing Templates

Overriding Templates

To override a template simply create a

folder in your projects view directory. Then copy the file you wish to override from the filterpane plugin's
directory. You may create these files from scratch, but you will probably need to refer to the original template or taglib to see what params are being bound.

You can refer to the demo project to see an example of this in action.

_currentCriteria.gsp - Shows the currently used filter criteria

_filterButton.gsp - Filterpane default toggle button for showing/hiding the pane.

_filterpane.gsp - The filtering pane that will iterate the entire object provided and show filters for the entire property set.

If you used a version since 2.0 and you customized templates in the filterpane folder, simply move them into _filterpane and everything should be good to go.